This is a day of great abundance, wonder and celebration of achievements! And, as with all celebrations on this blessed and beloved wheel of the year, as we celebrate the strength of the light we now turn our sight softly towards the darkening half of the year that will begin shortly after this resplendent day. Celtic stone circles, ancient gathering places, monuments and tombs, are lit by the dawn light on this day - sacred, special, solstice.
The summer solstice offers us a space for connection and prayer, to walk through the trees at the height of their color, to connect deeply with their wisdom and wonder. The summer solstice also offers us the opportunity to see the sun within ourselves, our own shining heartlight, radiant, powerful, magnanimous, divine and true.
Beech, Vervain, Oak and Rose are celebrated today, among many other gorgeous trees and plants of the solstice.
On this day of power may you be blessed with shining light, removing all that no longer serves such that you may live authentically a life of service; may you radiate with divinity, your own holiness, walking on the shining paths of the solstice. May you lovingly welcome the darker half of the wheel, that also begins at this time, claiming radiant power and surrendering again to the endless turning of the wheel of the year. May you partner with fire, allowing it to bless you and burn away all of your dead branches and leaves. May you be refreshed and revitalized this summer solstice!
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